Plagiarism is a whore. I think you get my message.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Another Tiring Day.

I almost fell asleep during English & Chinese class. Was extremely tired today although I slept at 11 something last night, not really my usual time as I usually sleep around 12 something. Eye bags today were obvious. Again.
Then for CCAs, I had football. Didn't wear proper boots so I had 2 blisters, 1 on each slide of my last toes. Ouch. Was so tiring. I kept running after the ball, then I always kept kicking it to the wrong person or the wrong side. That's how bad I suck. Gosh. :/ But I really hope I'll get better as I play. Because it was totally embarrassing today. I slipped once, banged into someone by accident. :/ It was Greens & Yellows against Blue & Red. Oh  and guess what? Sarah, Soung & Chloe were awesomee. :D So was Melissa Naomi Harajuku. ;P
I really can't wait for next week's football & this week's cheerleading. But I won't be able to go for volleyball anymore, just because my cheerleadings will be on Fridays. I sure hope they'll change the days though. I'm still feeling soo sleepy atm. But right after this I hafta get off, do my BM corrections, & then I'm off to getting ready. Will be going to my brother's place to celebrate his a-few-more-days-time birthday. :D I just came on to complete my Powerpoint presentation for English. I suck at Powerpoint, so will anyone help me, please? I can't get songs to play on the friggin' slide. It won't work. D:
Till then.

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