Plagiarism is a whore. I think you get my message.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

'I am a self-confessed Emo', says Luke Chen Yong Xin.

Since I've no idea on what to blog about, Luke wants me to blog about him so I will.

Well, let's see. He's coming back on the 6th of December. Lately, I've come to realised after months of him telling me that I'm emo, he's become one himself. Funny huh? He also finally finished the gatsby hair wax that I got for him last Christmas. Now his hair is like, so emo. I wonder why. Lmao. Maybe it's cause tofu gave him an emo sickness. (; Blah blah blah. What else is there to say about Luke? We've known each other since we were 4 or something? I slapped him once as a kid just cause he was too selfish to share his stupid toy with him. Yeah yeah, the truth's out, everyone. But hey, look on the bright side. At least I made a boy cried. ;D

gdnfilgounurlgkknrefi gnsdsoingfruencg gdhkigomerlksgn
[Guess if you can figure out what I typed.
Hint: Read in between the letters.]

Gnight. I'll probably blog again in about a month or so. Till then.


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