Plagiarism is a whore. I think you get my message.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Awesomest day of my life; 23042010. ♥

First, there was school.
Then, tutorial.
Came back, showered, met up with Mark, then only met up with Yee Hern, Andrew, Li-Ann, Imran & Darren.
Walked to Darren's house. 

Andrew and Darren ditched us. They went into his house, locked the door. I saw them drinking ice water. I was thirsty. And I was annoyed cause they wouldn't open the door. Darren claimed that Andrew was the one that locked the door. Finally, they opened it. I stole some of Andrew's water. :D

Then, I had Haagen Dazs or however you spell it. Vanilla flavor as Darren, the rich kid, only had like, 5 tubs of the same flavor. xD  Was the last one to go up to Darren's room, because Mark decided to go home, and not wait for Imran. He wanted to meet up with Rachel and Nina at Phase 3. 

When I went into his room, Yee Hern, Andrew, Imran & Darren were practicing their Phantom of the Opera play thingamajig that they're supposed to present during next assembly. It was super funny. Yee Hern kept wearing the mask, then kept complaining that he couldn't breathe nor see properly. Ahaha. So cute. xD

After awhile, Darren and Imran went downstairs to watch Russell Peters on his computer. So me, Yee Hern, Andrew & Li-Ann stayed in his room. Andrew tried playing some songs on the guitar. Li-Ann was taking photos, talking to Andrew, and what else was she doing? I can't remember. :D Oh yeah, opened Darren's closet and took out some stuff toy! :D Yee Hern and I were looking at Darren's football magazines when we don't even watch football. Yee Hern kept pointing out hot guys. But I won't tell you guys what he meant by hot guys. xD
Later, Yee Hern left. Then Darren took about an hour(or at least it felt like an hour)to walk Imran to the Phase 2 guardhouse, and waited with him till his ride came. Aww, so nice right? Ahaha. xD 

Meanwhile, Andrew, Li-Ann and I were on facebook, ebuddy and omegle. It was so funny, zomg! Andrew couldn't keep his hands off the keyboard as it was getting so interesting at one point. xD We went on Chatroulette or whatever that website is. Well, it had semi-porn in it. O; We then canceled the page. But Andrew didn't see much. Neither did Li-Ann and I as we were on facebook. xD It was kinda awesome, we could see them, but they couldn't see us just cause Darren didn't have a webcam. :D

This post is dedicated to Dieh San Yee, who has been bugging me to update my blog. Well then, here you go! 

Till then.

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