Plagiarism is a whore. I think you get my message.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Andrew Tan Wen Yan.

 We were playing ninja at the playground. (Y)
Andy and his FAIL ice-cream before that. (:
Oh yeah, he plays the guitar. (Y)
 As the whole awesome family will be there for you whenever you need us.
He's married to Sean a.k.a Box. xD
Yes, he was pole dancing. And in case you were wondering, he's a natural at it. (Y)
I just love this photo of him. He looks like he's enjoying himself, without a care in the world. I think this is his best photo yet. He looks so happy, and I think he really was feeling happy at that time. The background just fits his whole mood perfectly. (:

Credits to Li-Ann Chin for taking all of these photos.

My awesome brother, my good friend.
After a rough day at school or whatever, he's always there for me, no matter what.
Scolds me when I deserve it.
Advices me when I need it.
Talks to me when I need someone to talk to.

Thank you for everything, Andy. I love you (:

This post may be short, but it sure does mean a lot. (:

And finally, an original quote for the AWESOME (:

Days like these, we want to cherish our moments. So we did. We sure had hell loads of fun; we even took photos to remember them by. To capture those moments we thought it would be perfect to be kept as memories. That one day, when we feel like it all starts to fall apart, we look back at those photos, and remember those good times we had together, as a whole family. Those photos are like a reminder to us. A reminder that no matter what happens, we will always stick together no matter what. Sometimes, the people may change, but the best thing about the photos we take is that the people in the photos never change, if you get what I mean? Sometimes looking back, we may think, 'Man, I wish that day was today'. But you shouldn't. Why? Because our whole family's gonna have awesomer days in the future (: You may not know it yet, but we will. Trust me. And bro, no one else can ever take your place (: Just because you're awesome like that. ;D

Just 'Cause We're Awesome Like That! (Y) & We Will Brave Through Life's Harshness Together.

 Even if I'm a thousand miles away, and if you need me, I'd still come for you. Because I want to be there for you, whenever you need me. Always. (:
-Yours Truly.

Much love,

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