Plagiarism is a whore. I think you get my message.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Just so you know, Li-Ann didn't make this card thingamajig. It was me, and somehow it got in your hands. x]
 I don't want you to go, but you have to.
I'll miss you annoying me by tapping my shoulder all the time and then pretending you didn't.
'Cause tbh, that's the only thing that springs me back to reality when I'm lost in my own little world.
So awesome eh? x]
You'll be one of the best video makers I'll ever know, the one with the best rnb songs. *cough* -only some though. :P
I'll miss those instant RM30 or RM10 top ups from you. Tee hee. x]

The only song of yours that I'm still listening to is Missing You by RJ Helton. Man, I just can't get enough of that song.
I can't remember, but I think I started talking to you when you first started talking to Mas, or maybe it was before that. I just know that I didn't make the effort to grow close to you, but she did. And I regret. Because maybe I thought you'd be in Tenby till form 5, but I guess I thought wrong. ):

I remember there was once when we were webcam-ing around 1 or 2 something in the morning, was it? Yeah, and then you didn't realize I was crying. When I told you I was, I think you told me something like, it's stupid to cry, or it's not worthless or something. I can't remember what your exact words were, but I just know it was something like that. (:

Hazik, the guy that is known to sleep during his classes.
But you claim that you only sleep during physics and add maths.
Wow, such a good memory I have right?
Nah, it's only 'cause I save my msn history. :P

You think awesome is a simple word. But it's not just simple, it's who you are. x]

I won't ever forget those times when I told you to wait, because I wanted to do something. And you would say waiting, waiting, I'm waiting, still waiting. Haha. 

Ugh is like your trademark word. You say the weirdest stuff sometimes like, how you commented on my hair 'cause it was moving. Well, in case you forgot the only reason it was moving is 'cause the aircond was on and the fan was on at number 3. x]

You thought you were the sexiest guy ever, that still had a cap on after coming home from work just because you forgot to take it off. Haha. You said OMG I'M HOT in answer to I used to hate wearing caps, but once I tried facing it the other way . . . Gosh, I'm going to miss how you're always so up yourself. (':

I remember the time [although I wasn't there] when you broke your Ray Bans and your clothes got soaked, just 'cause it was your smart idea to run across to get to the SST building with Mark, Imran and others when it was raining so  heavily at that time with Mark, Imran and others. You slipped into a puddle or something, didn't you? :P

Okay, so apparently, your trademark is chakk. First, when you do it, and then I'm supposed to make the sound effect chakk. To be honest, I still have no idea what's that. D:

And I hate those times whenever you made me smile, just because I wasn't in the mood to do so. But thank you anyways. (':

I shall always remember to have feelings to the things around me, Zik. (: Haha, and I can still remember when you went away to don't know do what, and told me to talk to the glass. :P

If there's a cup of water that is filled with half, what would you say about that water? Half empty or half full?
I said half empty, and you scolded me for being such a pessimist. (': I still am one, I think. Just not so much anymore. 

You taught me your way. Whenever I cry, I just have to look at a mirror and say I'm hot and I'll smile. I forgot about that way so I am going to start using your way, just to remember how awesome you are. (':

I shall end this post now.
But before that, I shall say this:

You're so awesome, and that's what I'll remember you as. I am going to miss you a lot. Goodbye.

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