Plagiarism is a whore. I think you get my message.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I'm only me when I'm with you.

To the awesomest

this is little jon. :P

You'll only be sixteen once, so enjoy this year while you can. (:
Truth be told, I've never met a writer as awesome as you.
Imma post all of your quotes here, just 'cause I ain't good in writing. xD

Fairy tales usually start with 'once upon a time' and end with 'and they lived happily ever after. But for us it's 'they lived happily ever after after a once upon a time.'

I've got words I'd like you to hear, words that may sound unclear, words that I truly feel, words that somehow may heal. Though it's not a big deal, I miss you and it's for real.

If you need a shoulder to cry on, call on me and I'll be there. But still, I don't want to see you cry. Why? 'Cause every little drop of your tear is every wound in my heart.

When the f****** world comes down, and that damn person you trust leaves you behind, and when you feel like there's no one to turn to. But there's one bitch you can turn to. Me.

I wish you’ve never been so sweet, I wish you weren’t too special, I wish you never became my world. The problem is you are. I wish I didn’t know you and I wish I didn’t love you. The problem is I do. 

You are the reason why even at the saddest part of my life, I smile. Even at confusion, I understand. Even in betrayal, I trust. Even in fear of pain, I love.


Listen to Camera Can't Lie's Not Everyone Leaves on youtube. (: I like it, so you should like it too. Thank you for the Parachute song by Train. And also, believing in me when I did not. Thanks for being there for me whenever I needed you and writing me all of those awesome quotes although some of the above ones were 
actually written for Mas. But whatever, they're all still pretty awesome. (': 

Gaah. Blogger is so utterly annoying. Screw this. It just won't listen to me.

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